When can the business documents be destructed?

Most corporate documents should be stored for short period of time, i.e., not longer than 25 years. These documents are off low enduring value, and the place they occupy prevents the employees from finding the required information.

However, the documents can be destructed only upon expiration of the file storage deadline, specified in the documentation plan and/or other legal acts, regulating the document storage, and upon carrying out the document appraisal, and, finally, making decision on its further storage or document destruction. The documents can be destructed only upon confirming the descriptions of long-term storage of files of that year and upon carrying out their appraisal. 


Benefits of the document destruction for your company

Document destruction must meet the need of information security of institutions and their business partners and comply with the basic provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. While seeking to comply with these requirements, employees of the companies lose considerable time by destroying the documents in the usual stationery destruction facilities.

“Archyvita” is committed to ensure that document destruction is carried out with the maximum reduction of the working time of your employees. The professional document shredding facility, owned by UAB “Archyvita” (Ltd.), shreds the documents so that no information is left in them. This shredding equipment meets the requirements for the third protection class.

Upon trusting the function of document destruction to us, you will get multiple benefits:

  • Confidential information is protected – information in the documents is destroyed unrecognizably and in compliance of confidentiality obligations;
  • Working time of employees is saved (there is no need to waste time for going deep into the rules of document archiving and time limits of their storage, there is no need to dedicate time for document destruction by slow office shredder);
  • Complex service is provided: file appraisal is carried out, according to the existing rules for time limits of document storage, the Certificate for Destruction of Documents is prepared, the documents are transported out of the client’s premises, and the documents are destructed in a safe and low-cost way.

Rent of document shredding containers

You can place and keep your office documents (drafts, copies, etc.) for future destruction in shredding containers. When a container becomes full, our employees arrive, safely transport, and unrecognizably destruct the documents so that information would not be accessible to the third parties.

Recycling of raw materials from document destruction

In accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental management standard, our enterprise hands over the raw materials from shredded documents for collectors of secondary raw materials. This is one of the ways where we contribute to the sustainable development.